Wat effectief te doen aan het lerarentekort? Nieuw wetenschappelijk rapport geeft overzicht van wat kan

Kristof De Witte en zijn team schreven in opdracht van de Europese Commissie een lijvig rapport over wat we wetenschappelijk wel en niet weten over het tackelen van het lerarentekort. Eerste vaststelling is dat er bijvoorbeeld weinig evidentie bestaat voor bepaalde beleidsmaatregelen. Lees niet: ze werken niet, maar wel: er is weinig onderzoek naar gebeurd of ze al dan niet effectief zijn.

Toch zijn er ook een reeks van aanbevelingen in het rapport. Bijvoorbeeld maatregelen die specifiek gericht zijn op leraren:

First, we recommend the use of targeted financial incentives, as these appear promising with respect to cost-effectiveness, especially in promoting the retention of teachers in areas of high need. Such incentives include bonuses, salary differentials and deferred retirement plans.

Second, based on the available evidence and literature, we recommend closing the salary gap between teachers and similarly educated workers. An across-the-board salary increase could be an effective policy measure to tackle teacher shortages by improving both the attractiveness of the profession and the retention of in-service teachers

Third, we recommend focusing on combined interventions such as an across-the-board salary increase, compensated for by a proportional increase in class sizes.

Lastly, we recommend exploring the use of teaching assistants to reduce teachers’ workload. Teaching assistants can carry out some tasks at a similar level of quality to teachers, but at a lower cost.

Dat het onderzoek gebeurde door mensen met een onderwijseconomische kijk op de zaken, mag duidelijk zijn. Op schoolniveau kan er ook wel wat gebeuren:

First, we recommend implementing longer induction and mentoring programmes, of at least two years.

…stimulating continuous professional development could be an effective means to increase teacher retention. Professional development activities should have a high content focus, involve active learning, have a sustained duration, include collective participation, and offer coherence and ownership. While research on the area remains limited, it also appears that teacher collaboration, e.g. in professional learning communities, can result in the increased retention of teachers.

En dan zijn er ook nog interventies mogelijk op systeem-niveau:

First, we recommend the promotion of existing initial teacher education programmes. ITE provides a valuable path into teaching, and the quality of ITE programmes contributes to the attractiveness of the teaching profession. Thus, in debating whether to professionalise or deregulate teacher education, countries should carefully consider the evidence and retention rates among ITE-educated teachers versus those who receive training via an alternative route into teaching.

Second, countries facing teacher shortages could make use of alternative pathways to attract potential teachers, especially in areas of high need, as little difference can be discerned in terms student achievement between teachers who are traditionally trained, versus those who are trained by alternative routes. However, teachers trained via alternative pathways are more likely to leave their school when compared with traditionally trained teachers. Therefore, to combat these higher attrition rates among alternatively trained teachers, recruitment and retaining incentives must be balanced.

Third, we recommend improving the use of computer-assisted learning (CAL) in education.

Bij dat laatste valt wel de waarschuwing op:

Although CAL can be beneficial in supporting student learning in situations where direct teacher instruction is unavailable, it should only be used as a temporary solution to address teacher shortages. This is because teachers have a critical role to play in promoting students’ social and emotional development, as well as providing guidance and support that cannot be substituted using CAL.

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